Natesha B V

Assistant Professor

Computer Science & Engineering Department


I work as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology Raichur. Prior to this, I worked as a Recognised Researcher in the Predictable Parallel Computing Group, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona.

Research Interests

  • Fog Computing
  • Service Orchestration in the Computing Continuum
  • EdgeAI


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Phd: National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, 2022.

Research Area: Fog Frameworks for IoT/IIoT Service Placement
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Ram Mohana Reddy Guddeti

MTech: Computer Network Engineering from “The National Institute of Engineering”, Mysore

Project: Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Supervisor: Prof. Chinnaswamy

B. E in Computer Science from HMS Institute of Technology, Tumkur (VTU)


Research Experience

Recognised Researcher in the Predictable Parallel Computing Group, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona Spain. (Sept. 2023)

Visiting Researcher/Postdoc in the Computer Network Laboratory (LRC), Institute of Computing, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil (Dec 2021 to July 2022).

Teaching Experience

Assistant Professor in the Department of Data Science and Computer Applications, Manipal Institute Technology, Manipal, Karnataka. (Nov 2022 to July 2023)

Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan, Karnataka, India.(July 2014 to July 2016)